Wednesday, November 9, 2011

In All Things Give Thanks

Just saying thank you today. Having read Ann's post about Ecuador leaves me speechless and wordless. I, who am too well known for my sharp temper and tongue, have absolutely no right to say anything in this space, except thank you for grace. Thank you for those who have the heart to give, who really see what's important. As I struggle with my petty little day-to-day annoyances, I need stories like the one Ann Voskamp has shared today to remind me how blessed (and WHO blesses us) and how rich we are. So please--go read her story. Pray. Share. And be blessed.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Shauna! Ann always has a way of touching one's heart!

  2. What a powerful post she wrote today. For many years we start looking into sponsoring a child and then never do. I've sent the family a link to Ann's post and really hope we follow through with sponsoring a child this year!

    Thanks again for sharing, it's been a while since I visited Ann's blog.

  3. Thanks so much for visiting Eileen. I am praying about sponsoring a child as well, will pray that God shows both our families what He wants us to do!
