Friday, April 8, 2011


I have a deadline in my Apprentice Course. My assignment is due this week. Panic. In attempting to come up with plot outlines, I've finally realized what my problem is: I dislike conflict. Immensely. So trying to come up with a conflict and then base the story around it really causes me consternation. I'm a peacemaker at heart and really try to avoid conflict at all coming up with plausible plots is causing me grief! Yikes...I've scrapped several ideas...I get a few lines written and go "YUCK!" So I buried my head in another good book this morning. I sighed and went "Oh here I go again. Can't be reading when I'm supposed to be WRITING!" (I read 1/4 of the book because once I got started I had a hard time putting it down.) But at least reading a book with a really good plot that is well-written reinspires me to try again. So , thanks Liz Curtis Higgs and Nancy Rue--you've both given me food for thought with your wonderful stories.


  1. I don't like conflict either, but I'm finding it fun to invent in my stories. Maybe think of it as a complicated adventure instead of conflict and see if that helps.

  2. Thanks Eileen, I like that suggestion. Should have thought of that myself. Feels like I'm short a brain cell or two lately with all of the activities with my family and working full time.
