Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hiding in HIS Shelter

Today's Word-filled Wednesday: "For He will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble." Psalm 27:5

If you've been blog-hopping and connected with me here, welcome. I've found myself running for shelter an awful lot lately, and these words are so timely. Even in life's little daily troubles, I find myself WHINING and not being grateful. I should be grateful for a job, not whining about the stress and having to get up with the alarm clock. He has given me REASON to get out of bed each day. I should be grateful that I can walk, not whining about how badly my back hurts. It's tiresome to those around me, I'm sure. If I don't set an example of becoming calm and trustful, how can I expect my kids to trust in Him? I need to quit being so reactive, and just hide in God's shelter.

Thank you Jesus for your gift of peace, for your messenger and comforter, the Holy Spirit. Thank you God our father for your shelter!


  1. A sweet devotional for one of the wonderful promises of God in the Bible. Praying your back feels better. :)

  2. Thank you ladies for your kind comments. Kaye, my back issues have been going on for some time; thanks for the prayers, they are much appreciated!

  3. Thanks for finding and following my blog! I really liked this post :) It was a great reminder about who's really in charge.

  4. You're welcome, Bethany! Loved your blogs and thanks for stopping by here.

  5. I believe gratitude is a key ingredient to remaining faithful and having a joyous life. Good reminders here.

    Thanks for the visit to Family Fountain. wb

  6. Didn't realize until after I posted the comment that personal info was included, and couldn't figure out how to post without including it! (That's what I get for not reading more thoroughly before hitting "post comment!")
