Friday, July 23, 2010

Borrowed LInk

In browsing blogs this morning, I found a link I want to share. It's a post by an author named Pete Rose called "How Soon the Rapture?" Interesting stuff.

When I was in junior high (ok, now it's called middle school), there was a popular song called "I Wish They'd All Been Ready". It came from a movie about the rapture and the end times, if I remember correctly. Then a few years ago, Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye wrote The Left Behind series.

If Jesus came back today, would YOU be ready? Or are you going to ignore, push away, procrastinate, or blow off this story as just another Christian "Jesus freak" thing?


  1. I love that rapture ready site. I think I have it listed on my blog (maybe you got it from me:)) I always find something in there to chew on for a few days.

    I'm ready. :)

  2. Thanks, Karen. Yes, I did get it from you! :)
